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19th January 2019 Saturday - 1st Week of Ordinary Time

Hebrews 4: 12-16, Mark 2:13-17
"Follow me"
We can only imagine the love and acceptance that Levi experienced in these words and in the gaze of Jesus. But what we do know is that Levi immediately got up and followed Jesus. From that day onwards, he became a disciple of Jesus, a close and beloved companion of Jesus. Today, Jesus calls us too to follow Him. When He calls us, it is always to walk in His path of love.

Instead, let us draw close to the heart of Jesus and experience His forgiving love for our own waywardness. When we are grounded in Jesus’ love, we can then look at others with mercy and compassion and open our hearts to them. Let us follow Jesus and walk in His path of love today!

Question for reflection:
How can I follow Jesus today?



