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20th January 2019 Sunday - 2nd Week of Ordinary Time

Isaiah 62:1-5, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, John 2:1-11
"Water to wine"
Today’s Gospel passage is not just telling us a story of a wedding in Cana. It speaks to us about our story, our wedding, our life. Just as Jesus changed the ordinary water into extraordinary wine, He too wants to change our ordinary life into an extraordinary life with joy.

After Jesus changed the water into wine, He told the steward to give the best wine to the guests. This is what He wants to do with our life too. He changes our ordinary water to the best wine of all so that we too can share our best wine with others.

Today, let us enter into the wedding feast and allow Jesus to change our water into wine.

Questions for reflection:
1) What is my ‘water’ that Jesus wants to transform to His wine of joy?
2) Today, with whom can I share my best wine of joy?



