21st January 2019 Monday 2nd Week of Ordinary Time - St. Agnes
Hebrews 5:1-10, Mark 2:18-22
"An invitation to joy"
When our lives are filled with the simple desire to welcome the presence of Jesus, our ordinary life becomes extraordinary.
Today, we are called to be like new wine skins by opening ourselves to allow Jesus to transform us internally and totally. This is because we, like the Pharisees, tend to cling to our old wineskins that we are unable to welcome the new wine of Christ. We find comfort in our old wineskins: in the way we pray, in the routines we have developed, in the knowledge we have of God and of our faith, etc. Perhaps, it is time to let go of our old wineskins and open ourselves to the new horizon of our faith, to deepen our relationship with Jesus and to live a more authentic discipleship.
20th January 2019 Sunday - 2nd Week of Ordinary Time
Isaiah 62:1-5, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, John 2:1-11
"Water to wine"
Today’s Gospel passage is not just telling us a story of a wedding in Cana. It speaks to us about our story, our wedding, our life. Just as Jesus changed the ordinary water into extraordinary wine, He too wants to change our ordinary life into an extraordinary life with joy.
19th January 2019 Saturday - 1st Week of Ordinary Time
Hebrews 4: 12-16, Mark 2:13-17
"Follow me"
We can only imagine the love and acceptance that Levi experienced in these words and in the gaze of Jesus. But what we do know is that Levi immediately got up and followed Jesus. From that day onwards, he became a disciple of Jesus, a close and beloved companion of Jesus. Today, Jesus calls us too to follow Him. When He calls us, it is always to walk in His path of love.
18th January 2019 Friday - 1st Week of Ordinary Time
Hebrews 4:1-5, Mark 2:1-12
"Friends who care"
In the Gospel, the four friends were friends who cared. They saw the powerlessness of their paralyzed friend and so they were moved to do something to help him to be healed and to be made whole again.