Wednesday - Ash Wednesday
Joel 2:12-18, 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2, Matthew 6:1-6,16-18
"Rend your heart"
It is not simply a time for performing external actions, such as donating material goods, fasting or abstaining, without including God in our lives. Everything we do during this time of Lent should lead us to a greater communion with God. Our communion with God then should lead us to a greater communion with others.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus warns us not to parade or to display ourselves when we fast or give alms or pray. Rather, we need to examine our hearts and see our intention for our Lenten sacrifices.
Lent is a time to be transformed by God so that we can open our hearts to feel love and compassion for our brothers and sisters, especially those in need.
Question for reflection:
1) How do I want to live this Lent