18th September 2019 Wednesday 24th Week of Ordinary Time
1 Timothy 3:14-16, Luke 7:31-35
“Belonging to Wisdom”
For those who refused to accept the message of the Good News, nothing and nobody could move their hearts to believe and rejoice. They looked at Jesus and John the Baptist with contempt and disapproval.
“Yet, Wisdom has been proved right by all her children.”
What does Jesus mean by this statement? Who are Wisdom’s children? The children of Wisdom are not the intellectuals who pride themselves of knowing everything. Instead those whose hearts are filled with simplicity and humility belong to Wisdom. This is because Wisdom herself is humble and simple, and looks constantly towards God for His light of Truth and Love.
“There is no room for God in him who is full of himself” (Martin Buber)
Question for reflection:
1) How can I be a child of Wisdom today?