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IMG 9629

บทรำพึงพระวาจาประจำวัน 25th May 2018

25th May 2018 Friday 7th Week of Ordinary Time- St. Bede the Venerable

James 5:9-12, Mark 10:1-12
“True love is possible”
Each of us has a specific vocation, be it married, singlehood or religious life, to which we respond and find happiness in it. Each vocation is good in itself and leads us towards an intimate union with God.

In today’s gospel passage, Jesus was asked about divorce. According to Jesus, Moses allowed divorce because the Israelites in his time were unteachable. However, Jesus went back to God’s original plan for marriage, i.e. faithful commitment to reach everlasting communion.

Whatever state of life we are in, we all belong to God and we first commit ourselves to Him, and then to parents, spouse, children and grandparents. Rooted in this belonging to God, we commit to ‘swim against the tide’ and show to the world that true love is possible - true love for God, true love for spouses, true love for parents, true love for children and true love for grandparents.

Questions for reflection:
1) Am I happy and contented with the state of life I am in?

2) Do I commit my life to God and to my family? How can I increase God’s presence as the centre of my family life?



