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บทรำพึงพระวาจาประจำวัน 26th May 2018

26th May 2018 Saturday 7th Week of Ordinary Time - St. Philip Neri

James 5:13-20, Mark 10:13-16
“Bridges leading to Jesus”
“People were bringing little children to Jesus, for him to touch them.”

Jesus welcomed the people who brought their little children to Him. Today, we too can be these ‘people’ who bring our children, our friends, our parents, our relatives, our colleagues, etc. to Jesus, for Him to touch their hearts with His love.

We are living bridges that bring people to Jesus. In order to be strong and steady bridges, we ourselves must first be connected to Jesus, and make Him the centre of our lives. If not, it is so easy to be obstacles that lead people away from Jesus instead.

May we, through our words and actions, be strong and steady bridges which people cross over to find Jesus’ presence.

Questions for reflection:
1) Do I see myself as a bridge where others can cross freely and find Jesus?

2) Where can I be a bridge today



