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บทรำพึงพระวาจาประจำวัน 28th May 2018

28th May 2018 Monday 8th Week in Ordinary Time

1 Peter 1:3-9, Mark 10:17-27
“God alone is enough”
The rich young man went up to Jesus and asked the right question:

“Good master, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” This young man desired for something more in his life. He went to Jesus knowing that He would get the right answer. However, finally, he made the wrong decision when he walked away from Jesus. He could not let go of his many possessions and so he went away, sad.

Let us look deeper into this character of the rich young man. This rich young man placed his security and happiness in what he owned - his money, property, comforts, etc. He was possessive of his wealth, and thus, he could not let God be his only possession.

Today, let us desire and long for God alone.

Questions for reflection:
1) Is it enough for me to have only God? Is He the source of my joy and security?

2) How can I follow Jesus more closely today



