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2nd June 2018 Saturday 8th Week in Ordinary Time - Ss. Marcellinus and Peter
Jude 17:20-25, Mark 11:27-33
“Whose authority?”
The religious teachers considered themselves as the ultimate authority over the masses because

of their official titles. However, Jesus knew their hearts through and through. Regardless of Jesus’ response to them, they would have already condemned Him. Thus, He turned the tables around and asked them instead, “John’s baptism: did it come from heaven or from man?” They found themselves cornered and so they said, “We do not know” and slipped away one by one.
Jesus stood firm in what He truly believed. The question from His enemies did not shake Him or cause Him to doubt. He knew that His authority came from God the Father and He stood His ground.
Today, let us learn from Jesus how to be firm in what we believe so that we can stand firmly in moments of external oppositions and even internal doubts. Let us not be like the religious leaders whose hearts were so full of pride and love for power that they failed to see the source of Jesus’ authority.

Questions for reflection:
1) How can I follow Jesus’ steadfastness in the face of oppositions?
2) Is my heart free from pride, jealousy, desire for positions, etc. that I cannot imitate Jesus in His freedom and love?


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