20th June 2018 Wednesday 11th Week of Ordinary Time
2 Kings 2:1.6-14, Matthew 6:1-6,16-18
“The reason for everything”
We need to constantly examine ourselves by asking these questions: Why are we doing what we are doing? Are we constantly preoccupied with how others view us? Are we trying to appear perfect externally? Are we aware of hypocrisy in us? What are our inner motivations and desires?
In today’s gospel, Jesus is challenging us to go into our inner room and seek to have an intimate communion with God our Father. In Him alone, we find fullness of life and love. From this union of love with God, we give alms, fast, pray, do good deeds, etc. because we want to please the One who loves us so much. Thus, our love for God is the motivation of doing all that we do each day.
Question for reflection:
1) What is Jesus’ invitation to me in this time of prayer?