25th June 2018 Monday 12th Week of Ordinary Time
2 Kings 17:5-8,13-15,18, Matthew 7:1-5
“Judge not”
In today’s gospel, Jesus warned His disciples about being too quick to judge and condemn others for their failures. He also pointed out the disciples’ unwillingness to recognise their own big planks in their eyes.
Today, let us stop, pause and reflect: Who are we to judge? Did God send us to the world to play the role of a judge or a lover, a friend?
As Christians, we are called to recognise the ‘plank’ in our own eyes first before we can see clearly to help others to remove their ‘splinters’ of faults and weaknesses.
To stop playing the judge means to keep choosing to be honest with ourselves and to dare to see our own faults, and to ask God for His mercy and compassion. By acknowledging ourselves as sinners in need of God’s mercy, we will be more compassionate with others.
Questions for reflection:
1) What is Jesus’ personal invitation to me this morning?