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28th June 2018 Thursday 12th Week of Ordinary Time - St. Irenaeus, Bishop and Martyr

2 Kings 24:8-17, Matthew 7:21-29
“Build on Rock”
There are people who constantly speak about God but they do not speak to God. They use the name of Jesus but they do not have a personal encounter with Jesus. To be Jesus’ real disciples, it is not enough for us to speak or do things for Jesus and neglect the most fundamental thing, i.e. relationship with Jesus, the Person, the Friend, the Master.

Is Jesus the centre of our life? Is He the Rock on which we build our life?

Today, Jesus calls us once more to build our lives on Him. He is the rock which will support us in moments of storms and trials. With Him as our strong foundation, nothing can separate us from His loving presence.

Question for reflection:
1) Am I building my life on rock or on sand? Why?


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