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30th June 2018 Saturday 12th Week of Ordinary Time - The First Martyrs of the Roman Church

Reflection 2:2,10-14,18-19, Matthew 8:5-17
"A man for others"
Jesus’ whole life was spent putting Himself at the service of others. Why? It was not because He wanted to impress His disciples nor to gain the approval of the masses. He served others because He felt the pain of those suffering and He was afflicted by their pain. By being with the sick and afflicted, Jesus revealed God’s presence of love.

Our time is now. There are so many people around us who are suffering from loneliness, anxiety for the future and pain from the past. There are many in need of inner peace that only Jesus can give. If our hearts are focussed solely on ourselves and our personal needs, we will be indifferent to others. If our hearts are set to imitate Jesus in His same spirit of love and compassion, we will see people and events through eyes that have cried and hearts that have loved. May we always manifest God’s presence today.

Question for reflection:
1) What prevents me from following Jesus’ footsteps of love?


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