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บทรำพึงพระวาจาประจำวัน 24th July

24th July 2018 Tuesday 16th Week of Ordinary Time

Micah 7:14-15,18-20, Matthew 12:46-50
“Belonging to God’s family”
Though not united by ties of blood, God’s new family is intrinsically bonded by His love and their love for one another and for humanity.

God’s will is to love as He loves. God’s love never compromises, never disheartens, never ignores, never puts conditions and limits. His love is merciful, compassionate, patient, unwavering, faithful and honest. It is in His very nature to love. St. John the evangelist aptly states that God is love (1 John 4: 16). God is nothing else but pure love. God creates us in His love and gives us the capacity to love as He loves.

As Christians, we belong to God’s family where we root ourselves firmly and deeply in God’s love. From His love, we love others. We build relationships of trust, honesty, faithfulness, compassion, kindness, truthfulness, peace with others around us. We, out of love for God, choose to become servants to one another.

Questions for reflection:
1) In my daily life, do I seek always to do God’s will and please Him alone?

2) How can I put love into action today?



