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5th August 2018 Sunday 18th Week of Ordinary Time

Exodus 16:2-4,12-15, Ephesians 4:17,20-24, John 6:24-35
“I am the Bread of Life”
Jesus is telling us the same words he told the crowd, “Do not work for food that cannot last, but work for food that endures to eternal life.”
What does that mean for us today?

Jesus is the Bread of Life that comes to offer Himself as the eternal feast that will never make us hunger or thirst for things which do not last forever. Jesus is the Bread of Life whose love will always provide for us all that we need. He asks from us one thing- ‘Believe in me.’

Let us come to Jesus, not looking to satisfy our personal agendas, but to listen and believe with sincere heart that He is our Bread of Life.

Question for reflection:
1) Why do I want to follow Jesus, the Bread of Life?


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