15th August 2018 Wednesday 19th Week of Ordinary Time - The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Revelation 11:19,12:1-6,10, 1 Corinthians 15:20-26, Luke 1:39-56
“A Moment of Togetherness”
Today’s passage is a passage about the gift of friendship. When Mary and Elizabeth met, they both found solace and comfort in each other’s presence.
We can identify ourselves with Mary and Elizabeth too. In moments when we feel misunderstood, fearful and confused, we have friends whom we can go to as places of solace and to be comforted again, be loved again, be affirmed again. We need friends in this journey of life.
Today, as we celebrate the Feast of the Assumption, let us rejoice at Mary’s journey of life - one that was full of uncertainties, yet full of moments of blessing and celebration.
Questions for reflection:
1) Can I give thanks to God for the people who have journeyed with me through the ups and downs of my life? Who are they?
2) How can I not take people in my life for granted?