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27th September 2018 Thursday 25th Week of Ordinary Time - St. Vincent de Paul

Ecclesiastes 1:2-11, Luke 9:7-9
“A series of daily encounter”
Herod the tetrarch asked, “Who is this?” as He heard all the things that Jesus did. He was moved with intense desire to see Jesus, out of curiosity and fear.
What about us? Why do we go to Jesus? Do we yearn to get something out of Him? Or do we simply desire to be with Him?

Today, let us ask Jesus to reveal Himself to us. We desire to know Jesus more so that we can love Him and enter into a deeper intimate relationship with Him. It is the daily encounter with Jesus that brings us to transform our lives and follow Him with greater enthusiasm and joy.

“The most important thing that can happen to a person is to encounter Jesus, who loves us, who has saved us, who gave his life for us.” (Pope Francis)

Today, let us in a very simple moment of prayer have the desire to see Jesus again in prayer, in the Scripture, in the Eucharist, in silence, in our service to others, etc. Let us never get tired of wanting to meet Jesus and be transformed by His love.

Questions for reflection:
1) Do I have the eagerness to see Jesus in prayer and in each moment of the day?

2) How can I, in my little ways, bring others to a transformative encounter with Jesus today?



