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30th September 2018 Sunday Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Numbers 11:25-29, James 5:1-6, Mark 9:38-43,45,47-48
“Bigger hearts, Bigger visions”
We are constantly in rivalry with each other. Even in doing God’s work, we get upset when others appear in our ‘turf’ and do what we do.

In today’s gospel passage, John told Jesus that an outsider was driving demons in His name. The disciples were jealous of this man and wanted Jesus to do something about him. However, Jesus invited His insecure disciples to have bigger hearts and rejoice to see the goodness in others.
The path of open-mindedness and tolerance starts from within. Let us ask for bigger hearts to rejoice in the good done by others. We have our own talents and gift, just as others have theirs, and let us all put what we have to work for God!

Questions for reflection:
1) Is there someone whom I am envious of?

2) What is Jesus’ call for me today?



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