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10th November 2018 Saturday 31st Week in Ordinary Time - St. Leo the Great

Philippians 4:10-19, Luke 16:9-15
“Life with God, my master”
Who is the master that rules my heart and controls my mind?
Today, let us look at our lives in the light of God’s love, and see the real master that is in charge of our lives.

As Christians, we have God as our only Master. By serving Him, we experience an internal freedom to love God as well as serve Him in our brothers and sisters. Free from pursuing personal interest and ambition, we serve and love for the sake of unity and communion.

“Life with Christ is a wonderful adventure.” (St. John Paul II)

Let the adventure begin…!

Questions for reflection:
1) Who is the master / the driving force who directs my will, heart and mind every day?

2) What is Jesus’ invitation to me today?


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