Tuesday 8th Week of Ordinary Time
Sirach 35:1-12, Mark 10:28-31
Losses and gains
There is a cost for being a disciple of Jesus. How much are we willing to let go of our old ways in this journey of discipleship?
In today’s Gospel, Peter asked Jesus, “What about us? We left everything and followed you. What would we gain?”
Jesus will never turn us away for asking such questions. Instead, He will tell us that if we leave behind all that hinders us from loving God and serving Him faithfully, we will not lose but gain. The greatest gain that we can ever have is to experience having God as our treasure, and living a life of deep peace and quiet joy.
How far are we willing to let go? What will be our gain?
Question for reflection:
1) What is Jesus’ invitation to me in this time of prayer?