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5th May 2019 Sunday 3rd Week of Easter


Acts 5:27-21,40-41, Revelations 5:11-14, John 21:1-9

“Do you agape me?”
In Greek (which is the language of the New Testament), there are four words to describe the word ‘love’. They are: eros (sexual love), philio (love between friends), storge (love between family members) and agape (unconditional love).

In today’s gospel, Jesus approached Peter and asked him, “Simon son of John, do you love (agape) me more than these others do?” What Jesus desired to know was whether Peter’s love for Him
was unconditional. Peter, a broken man after his denials, knew that he loved Jesus his Master, his Friend, but not to the extent of unconditional love. Thus, with humility, Peter replied, “Yes Lord, you know I love (philio) you.” Jesus accepted Peter’s love, and gave Him the mission to look after His lambs.

This is the heart of Jesus our Friend who will never force us to give more than what we can. Jesus, ever so patient, comes to us where we are and loves us for who we are.

Question for reflection:
1) What is my response to Jesus’ question: “Do you love me?”


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