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6th May 2019 Monday 3rd Week of Easter


Acts 6:8-15, John 6:22-29

“Search for God first”
Do we search for the Giver or the gifts?

In today’s gospel, the crowd went looking for Jesus for free bread and free food. They ate the bread that Jesus had multiplied for them, and they wanted more. Jesus knew their motive for coming to Him, not for Him but for bread.

Jesus does not want to be our personal vending machine. He desires to enter into a relationship of intimacy and trust with us first, and the rest will flow from there. Listen to Jesus as He says these words to us, “Work for God... By searching for Him first.” Jesus, bring me to a greater search for you alone!

Questions for reflection:
1) Who is Jesus for me? Do I search for Him or simply go to Him to fix my problems and load on Him all my requests?

2) How can I let Jesus bring me into a deeper relationship with Him?


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