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8th May 2019 Wednesday 3rd Week of Easter


Acts 8:1-8, John 6:35-40

“Imitating the heart of Jesus”
“...the will of him who sent me is that I should lose nothing of all that he has given to me...”
Such great comfort to know that Jesus will never lose any one of us because each one is precious to Him. No matter what we have done or failed to do, Jesus values us.

Jesus invites us to open our hearts to grasp that one friend, one relative, one member as that person is important and valuable. We must learn to love like Jesus by not rejecting or losing any person that comes into our life. Let us enter into the mystery of Jesus’ heart that loves all, welcomes all.

Questions for reflection:
1) Is there one person missing in my life now?

2) How can I open my heart to welcome and love this person again and not reject or lose him/her?


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