17th May 2019 Friday 4th Week of Easter
Acts 13:26-33, John 14:1-6
“Jesus cares!”
Do we tend to allow suffering and problems in life to take away God’s peace? In this time of prayer, take comfort in Jesus’ words to us, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God still, and trust in me.”
Jesus reminds us too that he is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus, our Friend, does not simply give us advice or direction on how to go to God, the Father. He becomes our way for us to go. He becomes our Truth that leads us to live securely as God’s beloved children. He becomes our life where we can find true meaning for our own lives, even meaning in our suffering. Today, Jesus calls us to share all our worries and anxieties with Him and trust that He truly cares.
Question for reflection:
1) What prevents me from fully placing my trust in Jesus?