6th June 2019 Thursday 7th Week of Easter - Saint Norbert
Acts 22:30,23:6-11, John 17:20-26
“Love leads to unity”
In this time of prayer, let us reflect on our relationships with our family members, colleagues, friends, fellow parishioners and ask ourselves: Does my love build unity?
“In a Christian community division is one of the most serious sins, because it does not allow God to act...What God wants is that we be welcoming, that we forgive and love each other so as to become more and more like Him, who is communion and love.” (Pope Francis)
May we put effort in building oneness with others. Our oneness with others will only come when we are one with God. It is He who opens our hearts to desire for love and communion.
Today, let us take steps to work for oneness!
Question for reflection:
1) How can I work for unity?