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6th July 2019 Saturday 13th Week of Ordinary Time - St. Maria Goretti

Genesis 27:1-5,15-29, Matthew 9:14-17

“New Wine, New Wineskin”
Jesus’ way of doing things was different from the old norms and traditions. He wanted those who follow Him to accept openness to learn and accept new things. He did not want His disciples to have a closed mind that holds them back from seeing the goodness of God.

Jesus invited His listeners to be like new wineskins that are elastic and flexible. In this way, they would open themselves to learn, grow and become true people of God.

Today, Jesus is our Bridegroom whose presence brings joy to our life. He desires that we open ourselves to Him and to be surprised by the newness that He brings to our life.

Questions for reflection:
1) Am I open to the actions of God in my life? What resistance do I have in being open to God?


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