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27th July 2019 Saturday 16th Week of Ordinary Time

Exodus 24:3-8, Matthew 13:24-30

“The darnel and wheat”
Today, Jesus calls us to be patient and not to be too quick to exclude the ‘darnels’ we see. Look at Jesus’ life, He never excluded the ‘darnels’, the Pharisees and the rest of the religious leaders.

Instead, He continued to preach to them the message of God’s love, hoping that they would one day open their hearts and believe. Jesus too never gives up on any of us despite our own flaws and idiosyncrasies. Thus, we too must be patient and not exclude anyone just because we see their limitations and faults. By the grace of God, we keep hoping that the ‘darnels’ can somehow be transformed into life-giving ‘wheat’. On our part, we must choose to be good wheat. Through our examples, may we bring people to Christ and Christ to people.

Question for reflection:
How can I look at those whom I tend to judge negatively with Jesus’ heart?


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