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30th July 2019 Tuesday 17th Week of Ordinary Time - St. Peter Chrysologus

Exodus 33:7-11, 34:5-9,28, Matthew 13:36-43

“Darnel from the wheat”
Even though Jesus is the sower of the good seed, He does not stop the darnel from existing in the same way that He allows the wheat to flourish. Thus, the wheat and the darnel, the sheep and the goats, the saints and the sinners live together, side by side.

This is a beautiful reminder of the depth of God’s merciful and patient love. He never gives up on any of us - the good or the bad. God, like the Good Shepherd, looks passionately for the lost sheep, and waits for each one of them to journey back to Him. His joy comes when one sinner decides to return home.

Questions for reflection:
1) Is there someone whom Jesus is inviting me not to give up on but to continue to journey with? How can I be more patient with myself and entrust myself to God’s merciful love?


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