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7th August 2019 Wednesday 18th Week of Ordinary Time

Numbers 13,1-2, 25, 14:1,26-29,34-35, Matthew 15:21-28

“Great is your Faith!”
The Canaanite woman trusted that Jesus could heal her daughter and make her well again. Finally, when Jesus did say something to her, and it turned out to be not what she expected, she continued to look at Him with hope and trust. Jesus, seeing her unwavering faith, praised her and answered her request.

Let us be inspired to do the same! Let us have the unwavering faith that we have a great God in our life and we can turn to Him always with trust that He will never let us down. Jesus will never turn His back on true faith. Therefore, we call to Him with a believing heart.

Question for reflection:
1) Do I identify myself with this Canaanite woman’s faith in Jesus


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