24th August 2019 Saturday 20th Week of Ordinary Time - St. Bartholomew
Revelation 21:9-14, John 1:45-51
“Come and see”
Nathanael encountered Jesus through a mediator, Philip. Philip had a deep life-transforming encounter with Jesus that he wanted to share the Good News with his friend. He went searching for Nathanael and told him, “Come and see.” Because of Philip’s “Come and see”, Nathanael became Jesus’ apostle.
In the same way that we have ‘Philips’ who inspire us towards Jesus, we too are called to be mediators to tell people, “Come and see. Come and experience. Come and know.” We will never know how our words and deeds can influence others to greater faith and love for Jesus.
Questions for reflection:
1) Who are the people in my life that have brought me closer to Jesus? How can I help others to draw closer to Jesus?