30th August 2019 Friday 21st Week of Ordinary Time
1 Thessalonians 4:1-8, Matthew 25:1-13
“A Faith that is Alive!”
Prayer is the first essential oil that fuels the fire of our faith to keep it glowing. Do we set time and space daily to be with God? Do we allow His Word to be the lamp that lights our path?
The next essential oil is action. Prayer must lead us to the action of living a life of love and service. Do we make time to reach out to others in need? Do we use our talents and resources to help our brothers and sisters?
Today, we have the option to stay prepared and feed our faith with prayer and action, or we can put our faith aside and let our faith fall into a deep sleep.
Questions for reflection:
1) Have I taken my faith for granted and been complacent in my relationship with Jesus? How can I feed my faith more today?