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28th September 2019 Saturday 25th Week of Ordinary Time - Ss. Wenceslaus and Lawrence Ruiz and Companions

Zechariah 2:5-9,14-15, Luke 9:43-45

“Set Your Heart on God”
Jesus was at the high point of His life. Despite being admired by many,
He continued to set His heart solely on God, His Father. His life was in the hands of God, and not in the hands of men.

The great challenge for us is to fully set our hearts on God. God loves us unconditionally and stays close to us in our lives. We do not need to work hard to proof that we are worthy of His love and care. God’s love for us goes beyond our achievements or failures. We are loved, no matter how the world sees and values us.

In each time of prayer, when we truly listen to Jesus, He speaks to us about God’s love and about our value in His eyes. Let us listen carefully to the voice of Love so that we can live each moment of success and failure, of joy and sorrow by setting our hearts on God alone.

Questions for reflection:
1) Do I measure my worth by the success and achievements I have? How can I set my heart more on God and less on myself?



