30th October 2019 Wednesday 30th Week of Ordinary Time
Romans 8:26-30, Luke 13:22-30
“A narrow door”
‘Try your best to enter by the narrow door...’ What is this narrow door that Jesus spoke about in today’s gospel passage?
This narrow door that we, as His disciples, are called to strive to enter is the narrow door of love. Love somehow narrows our lives. For example, when a child falls ill, parents sacrifice time to care for him/her. When an elderly parent’s mind becomes feeble, the caregiver puts in extra patience to love. An unfaithful spouse, a misunderstood colleague, a depressed neighbour - the only way in is through the narrow door of love. Love that is patient, trusting, kind, forgiving, courageous, peaceful, faithful and self-giving. Entering into this narrow door of love makes us people of depth and maturity.
23rd October 2019 Wednesday 29th Week of Ordinary Time - St. John of Capistrano
Romans 6:12-18, Luke 12:39-48
“Responsible stewards who give and give…:
God has called us to be stewards responsible for looking after His household, His people. Who are these people? They are our children, spouse, parents, friends, strangers we meet each day, etc. As responsible stewards, we are called to give of ourselves in order to be at the service of others. We give our time, our talents, our strength, our creativity, our faith, etc. in order that they might grow and be strong in their faith in God. In fact, our faithfulness to God is seen from how much we put ourselves at the loving service of others.