19th October 2019 Saturday 28th Week of Ordinary Time - Ss. Isaac Jogues and John de Brebeuf
Romans 4:13,16-18, Luke 12:8-12
“Open to the Spirit of love”
‘He who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.’ Why did Jesus say this? Why is blaspheming against the Holy Spirit not to be forgiven?
17th October 2019 Thursday 28th Week of Ordinary Time - St. Ignatius of Antioch
Romans 3:21-30, Luke 11:47-54
“Stop closing doors!”
Jesus calls each one of us to return to God’s love and return to the simplicity of our Christian faith. He wants us to be authentic Christians whose lives truly attract others to God.
10th October 2019 Thursday 27th Week of Ordinary Time
Malachi 3:13-20, Luke 11:5-13
“How much more...”
If the friend would wake up to help his friend in need; if a father, with his human limitations, would give to his child what is good, how much more of the gift of His Holy Spirit would God give to those who ask Him. Many times, we pray by asking Jesus for material needs and wants. However, we must not forget that the true prayer of a child of God is a daily asking with open hands for what he/she really needs, i.e. the guiding presence of the Holy Spirit.
9th October 2019 Wednesday 27th Week of Ordinary Time - St. Denis
Jonah 4:1-11, Luke 11:1-4
“God, our all-loving Father”
In today’s Gospel, Jesus’ disciples must have been impressed by the way He was praying which was different from the rest of the Jewish religious leaders. He was neither blabbing out words nor simply praying out of routine. Most likely, they saw Jesus praying to God the Father as though He was speaking with someone He truly loved. There was something special in the way Jesus prayed that one of them asked Him, “Lord, teach us to pray...” Jesus invited His disciples as well as each one of us today to enter into a deeper relationship with God who is our Father. God is not someone distant from our lives whom we cannot relate with. God is not indifferent and uncaring. God is Father.