22nd May 2019 Wednesday 5th Week of Easter - St. Rita of Cascia
Acts 15:1-6, John 15:1-8
"Being fruitful, not successful"
The world speaks to us about being successful. Jesus, however, invites us to be fruitful. The world adores successful people who have money, power and status. However, we have not been created to become successful people according to the standards of this world, but fruitful according to God. Today, Jesus invites us to remain in Him so that we will strive to be fruitful.
Jesus lived his whole life loving, serving and doing good deeds. He was a simple itinerant preacher without any stable income or comfortable life. In His mission, He sometimes experienced acceptance from people but He had many who opposed Him. In the end, Jesus died a humiliating death. Is Jesus successful in the eyes of the world?
20th May 2019 Monday 5th Week of Easter -
St. Bernardine of Siena
Acts 14:5-18, John 14:21-26
"The Holy Spirit, always and forever, in my life"
The Holy Spirit is our Advocate, our Helper who always leads us to follow Jesus closely. We need the Holy Spirit in a very special way in these times of consumerism and intense pursuit of worldly pleasures. Today, Jesus reminds us that He gives us His Holy Spirit to be our Advocate who will teach and remind us of all what is essential for us to become authentic Christians living our faith in the midst of our society.
As we start this new week, let us allow the Holy Spirit to lead us to a deeper understanding of what it means to be Christians living in the midst of this world.
18th May 2019 Saturday 4th Week of Easter
Acts 13:44-52, John 14:7-14
“To be a reflection of God’s love”
Jesus is the perfect reflection of God, the Father, and thus, to see Jesus is to see the face of God. Jesus lived His whole life loving with deep compassion and mercy, even towards those who opposed him vigorously. Today, Jesus calls all of us, who are His disciples, to follow Him in the same way. This is because we too are meant to reveal the face of God the Father through the way we love.
คำร้อง/ทำนอง : ภัศม์
ดนตรี: สุทธิกร โตเจริญนิวัติศัย
ขับร้อง : จิรายุทธ กลิ่นสวัสดิ์, บุญวรรณ ยอดสุขประเสริฐ