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27th May 2019 Monday 6th Week of Easter - St. Augustine of Canterbury

Acts 16:11-15, John 15:26-16:4

“Reflect the Son!”
“You too will be witnesses” What does Jesus mean by this statement?

As Christians, ‘witnessing’ is part of our very being. In fact, we are ‘walking advertisements’ where we make the invisible God visible. We must never forget that our faith is not about legalistically following rules and regulations, but rather, our faith is about friendship with Jesus. This is what we, as witnesses, are called to show the world by our words and actions.

“The Christian should be an alleluia from head to foot.” (St. Augustine) Let us be joyful as we bring Christ to the world and the world to Christ.

Question for reflection:
1) How can I give witness to Jesus’ presence today?


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