3rd June 2018 Sunday Corpus Christi Sunday
Exodus 24:3-8, Hebrew 9:11-15, Mark 14:12-16, 22-26
“Take it, this is my body given for you”
“Take it, this is my body”
Jesus gives us the bread which is His body. Out of total love for us, Jesus makes Himself a gift to all of us. He comes to be in union with each one of us to partake in our life’s joys and pains with us. He comes to become food so as to sustain us as we journey through life. He brings us out of our individualism to live in communion with others.
Jesus does not want us to adore and admire Him, but He calls us to take Him and be in communion with Him so that we too can follow His path of total self-giving in our daily life.
Today, let us follow Jesus by going out of ourselves so that our life becomes a gift to Him and to others.
Question for reflection:
1) How do I live the Eucharist?