5th June 2018 Tuesday 9th Week of Ordinary Time St. Boniface
2 Peter 3:11-15,17-18, Mark 12:13-17
“Belonging to God”
In the same way the coin belonged to Caesar because it bore the image of the ruler on it, we too have been imprinted with God’s image since we have been created in His own likeness. We belong to God! And so, we give to God what rightfully belongs to Him.
In this time of prayer, let us recognise once more that we belong, not to this world or to ourselves, but to God. When we face failures and difficulties along the way, let us return again and again to this security that we belong to God, and allow Him to bring us to greater joy, greater hope and greater peace. Living rooted in this sense of belonging to God, we can then joyfully give Him what belongs to Him i.e. our very life.
Question for reflection:
1) Am I willing to give to God what truly belongs to Him?