บทรำพึงพระวาจาประจำวัน9th June 2018
9th June 2018 Saturday 9th Week of Ordinary Time - The Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary
2 Timothy 4:1-8, Luke 2:41-51
“Not by sight but faith”
In today’s gospel, Mary lost Jesus but she walked with faith and trust that she would find Him in crowded Jerusalem.
Finally, she must have experienced great relief to be with her Son again.
Yet, years down the road, she would ‘lose’ Him when she stood at the foot of the cross and witnessed her Beloved Son being crucified as a criminal. Here, she could only let go of her Son and continue to walk in faith.
How many of us can really learn from Mary to keep walking in faith - in moments when we do not see answers to our questions; in times when we have to let go of our loved ones; etc.? Today’s celebration is not simply a devotional act towards Mary, but a day to be with Her and learn from Her what walking in faith really means.
Question for reflection:
1) In my life now, how can Mary help and guide me to never lose hope but to walk on always in faith?