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17th June 2018 Sunday 11th Week of Ordinary Time 


Ezekiel 17:22-24, 2 Corinthians 5:6-10, Mark 4:26-34

“Open to collaborate with God”

There are numerous negative news of wars, violence, illnesses, etc, that we look at the world as if there is nothing good or very little good happening. Yet, God never gives up. He continues to sow His seeds of love in any one who is open to receive Him. Silently, the seed will sprout, grow and bear fruit. Are we one of those whose hearts are open to receive Him?

Many times we do not see the seed because as Jesus says, it is as small as a mustard seed, but we believe that it will be fruitful. We are sure that there is much goodness in the world because there are many people open to receive God’s Kingdom, to live it out and to share it around. We are one of those people who are ready to allow God to work in us and through us.


Questions for reflection:

1) Am I open to allow God to work in me and through me?

2) What are the obstacles I have that can choke the seed and prevent it from growing in me?


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