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3rd July 2018 Tuesday 13th Week of Ordinary Time - St. Thomas, Apostle

Ephesians 2:19-22, John 20:24-29
"Doubt no longer!"
What does doubting Thomas have to say to us today on his feast day?

St. Thomas was a natural pessimist who viewed things always with negativism and gloom. After Jesus died, Tomas was probably depressed and simply wanted to be left alone. Yet, Jesus did not give up on those He called and chose. Jesus patiently approached Thomas. He did not rebuke him for his pessimistic doubts. Instead, Jesus, the Patient Lover, breathed forgiveness and spoke words of encouragement to reawaken Thomas’ faith. At the end, Thomas was gently led into mature faith.

Doubts might make us look away from Jesus, and lead us to be preoccupied with our own negativism. Let us, with faith, look at Jesus and allow Him to speak to us, to love us and to strengthen us.

Questions for reflection:
1) What does today’s gospel mean for me in my own journey of faith?

2) How can my faith story help others who are struggling with doubts?


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