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8th August 2018 Wednesday 18th Week of Ordinary Time - St. Dominic

Jeremiah 31:1-7, Matthew 15:21-28
“A beautiful humble faith”
From the start, Jesus perceived that this woman believed in Him with her whole heart, mind and strength. He wanted to use this opportunity to teach His disciples and those following Him a lesson on genuine faith.

In her humility, she recognised her nothingness as well as her great dependence on God and His mercy. She asked for nothing but a small crumb of bread from the Master’s table. Jesus rejoiced in her beautiful faith and granted her request.

There are moments in life when we pray for ourselves and for others’ needs. However, God seems to be silent and distant. Do we walk away from God in anger? Can we imitate the simple and humble faith of the Canaanite woman who asked and waited patiently to be heard? Is our faith that great and beautiful like the Canaanite woman?

May we trust God and know that He will answer us in His time and His ways.

Question for reflection:
In this time of silent prayer, what is Jesus’ invitation to me?


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