8th June 2019 Saturday 7th Week of Easter
Acts 28:16-20, 30-31 John 21:20-25
"You are to follow me!"
“What about him, Lord?”
We will never know the reason why Peter asked Jesus that question. Was he distracted, curious or jealous of the Beloved disciple? The answer of Jesus to Peter shows His patient love that never stops to call him back to what is essential, “Follow me”.
When we follow Him, He will lead us to live a purposeful life of love. Then, we will realise that we have our own missions as well as to recognise that each brother and sister has also been called to follow Jesus, and He is the One who will lead them to do the specific mission that they have been entrusted with. Today, let us fix our eyes on Jesus and follow Him wherever He goes.
Question for reflection:
1) How can I follow Jesus with greater faithfulness today?