13th August 2018 Monday 19th Week of Ordinary Time - Ss. Pontian and Hippolytus
Ezekiel 1:2-5,24-28, Matthew 17:22-27
“Living as God’s children in this world”
Peter and all those who believed in Jesus have entered into a new and personal relationship with God. Thus, as God’s children, Jesus and His disciples should not pay the Temple tax.
However, Jesus wanted to avoid any possible scandal so he told Peter to catch the Jewish tax collector and pay the tax.
We pay taxes in order to make our contribution to the needs of our society. However, we must never forget that our fundamental identity is that we belong to God, not to this world. Therefore, we must never compromise on the Gospel values like truth, justice and peace. Building God’s Kingdom here on earth should be our main priority.
Interestingly, Jesus told Peter to catch the first fish and he would find the money to pay the tax. As children of God, we must never be afraid that God will never provide for us. When we are concerned with doing God’s work of love and service, He will supply us for our needs.
Questions for reflection:
1) Am I aware of my identity as God’s child living in this society?
2) Have I experienced God’s providential care? How can I learn to trust in Him more?