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28th January 2019 Monday 3rd Week of Ordinary Time - St. Thomas Aquinas

Hebrews 9:15,24-28, Mark 3:22-30
"Come, Jesus! Enter into me!"
Jesus was going around healing people and touching the lives of many. Moved constantly by the Holy Spirit, Jesus was doing good deeds of love. By saying that ‘Beelzebul’ was in Jesus, the scribes from Jerusalem were deliberately closing their hearts to recognizing any goodness in Jesus. They refused to see the hand of God in all the works of Jesus. Yet, the simple and humble crowd around Jesus could see the wonders of God through the actions of Jesus and rejoiced in Him.

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” (Revelation 3:20)

God is always standing at the door of our hearts and knocking gently. He yearns for a deeper relationship with us. It is our choice to open or remain closed.

Question for reflection:
1) Today, how open am I to allow Jesus to enter into my life and work wonders through me?


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