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21st August 2018 Tuesday 20th Week of Ordinary Time

Ezekiel 28:1-10, Matthew 19:23-30
“Sharing and not hoarding”
In the world we live in, we have been brought up with this mentality that it is every person for himself/herself. Thus, we live focusing on our own success and benefits. Like Jesus, if we seek humility, service and love, we would look out of our own small world to the needs of our brothers and sisters. We would then give and keep giving according to our abilities.

Today, Jesus invites us to detach and free ourselves from the surpluses of our wealth - money, possessions, time, talents - and share with the poor and the needy around us. This is the requirement for us who desire to truly follow Jesus.

Question for reflection:
In this time of silent prayer, what is Jesus’ invitation to me?


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