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2nd July 2019 Tuesday 13th Week of Ordinary Time

Genesis 19:15-29, Matthew 8:23-27

“Perfect trust”
Reflecting on this passage brings consolation to us. This is because we realize that it does not mean that when Jesus is in our boat, in our life, we will never experience storms of difficulties. It does not mean that our life would be free from all pains, brokenness and disappointments. Jesus was in the boat with His disciples but they still had to face the storm.

Storms will come along our way as we journey through life. Yet, our greatest comfort is that Jesus is in our boat, in our life. He is with us no matter how great the storm is.

Questions for reflection:
1) Do I have a tendency to allow my personal storms in life to overwhelm me that I become fearful? What prevents me from trusting more in Jesus?


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