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26th August 2018 Sunday 21st Week of Ordinary Time

Joshua 24:1-2,15-17,18, Ephesians 5:21-32, John 6:60-69
“Do you want to go away?”
Some followers of Jesus could not accept His hard teaching. The more they complained and grumbled among themselves, the more their hearts were hardened against listening to the voice of Love. Thus, they walked away.

When we face doubts, difficulties and crisis in life, do we stand aside from Jesus? Or do we stand beside Jesus? When Jesus calls us to follow Him, He bids us to die to our tendency to take the easy way out, to our fears and anxieties, to our laziness, etc.

Today, Jesus asks us a personal question, “What about you? Do you want to go away too?”

Question for reflection:
1) Jesus says: “What about you? Do you want to go away too?” What is my response to Him today?


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