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5th July 2019 Friday 13th Week of Ordinary Time - St. Elizabeth of Portugal

Genesis 23:1-4,19,24:1-8, 62-67, Matthew 9:9-13

“Mercy is what I want”
We usually associate ‘mercy’ with pardoning someone. However, the word, in the Bible, holds a deeper meaning than simply offering pardon to someone. It refers to a tender, compassionate love, a love that has special concerns for the sufferings of others. Mercy is an extension of Love. It is Love stooping down to the needs and miseries of others, for example, spending time to listen to a friend’s problem, offering hope to a disheartened colleague, a helping hand to someone in need and other such acts. This is what God wants from each one of us. He wants us to exercise this practical love. We can love with mercy because we ourselves have experienced His unfailing forgiving mercy in our own lives.

Question for reflection
1) How can I put mercy into action today?


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