28th August 2018 Tuesday 21st Week of Ordinary Time - St. Augustine
2 Thessalonians 2:1-3,14-17, Matthew 23:23-26
“The weightier matters of faith”
Today, Jesus calls us to throw away all the accumulated masks we have that make us appear to be externally good, righteous and virtuous. To be true Christians is not a matter of formality and actions that placate God. Rather, it is about putting into action the weightier matters of what our Christian faith should be about: Justice, mercy and good faith. These are the benchmark to ensure that we are living a true Christian life.
Today, let us draw close to Jesus and allow Him to encounter us again so that His light of love can shine all the hidden dark corners of our hearts and make us to love with freedom and honesty.
Questions for reflection:
1) How often do I tend to live for external appearances and forget the weightier matters of what my faith in Jesus is all about?
2) What is my resolution at the end of today’s prayer?